Short Article - Do it yourself!
30-10-2020 11:15
Do it yourself!
By taking the prefabrication of reinforcement into their own hands, Precast Plants and Contractors can quickly and effectively improve their overall manufacturing process. At the same time controlling the quality of the reinforcement and reducing the dependency on reinforcement element suppliers.
Quality Assurance and Control
When an order of reinforcement elements finally comes in and turns out to be substandard due to small flaws or inconsistencies or even larger deviations, the choices are to return, repair or completely redo the elements. None of these options are convenient for a busy company.
Short lead times are essential for the efficient operating of your business. With tight deadlines and not much room for error the last thing you want to be concerned with is meeting deadlines for delivery times on your project, the relationship with your supplier or unexpected additional costs. The adoption of your company’s standard by subcontractors is often preceded by a period of trial and error that comes at your expense.
When choosing to keep Quality Management and Quality Control in-house you gain the chance to further develop. Short lines of communication and frequent feedback within your organization will help you create a Continuous Improvement Cycle.
Planning and flexibility
Dependency on suppliers means relying on their adequate planning. Staying on top of your project when dealing with third parties, especially under the pressure of time, can be an enormous challenge. Working ahead not an option as reinforcement is often supplied in individual batches as and when they are completed.
Those Precast Plants and Contractors that manufacture themselves experience great freedom in planning and production flow: A controlled just-in-time delivery for the client and no more having to wait for a suppliers’ truck that is stuck in traffic. They get the benefits of being able to work ahead, spread the workload and easily meet their deadlines.
Cost savings
Having to pay for transport, commission, tooling and depreciation expenses of your supplier occasionally leads to an expensive total cost for pre-assembled reinforcement.
Standardizing your production process for your particular element portfolio can make you more efficient than your supplier. You can optimize the assembly procedure to your requirements. 
Where to start?
Ask yourself if the risks and the benefits of outsourcing are in balance. What are the benefits 
in relation to the advantages of manufacturing reinforcement yourself?
When starting, it is recommended to start with the production of a rather standard element. One welder or steel fixer can assemble a specific product(group) in a designated area. If you don’t have a cutting and bending capacity, this still can be outsourced. The in-house assembly of additional elements can be added over time. If the volume allows, the cutting and bending can also be considered to be done yourself, further increasing your dependency.
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